Impact of Gold Mining in Eastern Shan State

Posted by: | Posted on: June 7, 2023

Arr Ye villagers in Tachileik Township are facing the impact of gold mining and destroyed local farmlands. Arr Ye village is located in Mong Koe village tract, Tachileik township in eastern Shan State. The main livelihoods of the local residents are farming and livestock.

In 2009, many various companies have arrived and conducted mining operation in the territory of the village. Local owned farmland and village land were lost to the companies for mining. The main minerals in this area are magnesium dioxide, platinum and gold.

“From 2009 to 2014, companies were able to do whatever they want. From 2015 to 2020 when civil society organizations started reaching to the villages for awareness raising to villagers and it was eye opening for villagers to demand their rights. Even though the compensation was not fair but those who lost land got some compensation. During Covid19, those companies cannot keep operating. However, the end of 2022, some companies began implementing their projects” said Arr Ye villager Law Juka.

Figure 1: Sai Long Hein mining area

The companies are registered under Myanmar name but their financial supports are from Chinese people. Their workers are also Chinese. Their operation has stopped due to Covid19. However, after the political crisis, those companies in close relationship with the Burmese military such as Sai Long Hein Mining Company and their mining industry continue operating according to youth activist Yar Par (not real name).

Their tailings, and waste from their industry are flowing into Nantong river and Maw Thwee river. This impact has destroyed farmland of farmer who rely on water from these rivers for their agriculture as well as villages such as Nantong village, Ku Long, Mar Mo Thar and Maw Shat villages which are built to rely on water from this river. Now, villagers started facing water pollution.

Figure 2: metal refinery

For companies to be able to carry out their mining operation, local authorities, some militia leaders and Tachileik township authorities are also involved in this business. As long as gold price is increasing in the gold market, more illegal gold mining in eastern Shan State will continue.

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